Bay Islanders need parking

We already struggle for parking and the Redland City Council plans to make it worse!

What is happening?

Redland bay marina area is being redeveloped for the recreation of the mainlanders at the expense of islanders and their parking.

The Redland City Council has already started to turn The Transit Hub at Redland Bay Marina into a picnic place for tourists at the expense of all islanders. Our rates are being used by the council for the enjoyment of mainlanders whilst leaving us stranded without our cars which we need to travel to work, appointments, essential shopping and socialisation on the mainland. This is likened to the car parks at all train stations in Queensland being cleared out and made into scenic picnic grounds. What would train commuters do without parking? We, the islanders, also need our parking.

It's hard to believe that at this time of our lives, we will be cut off from seeing our families, attending medical appointments and doing necessary shopping as we can't use our car on the mainland. It isn't fair that Redland City Council is denying most of the islanders any parking on the mainland. We are ratepayers!”

How many car spaces are there?

Council promised us 2,000 car spaces for island use at a reasonable rate and 400 spaces that are free use. That promise is NOT being kept. Council plans to scrap our dedicated spaces and replace it with shared parking. We already fill the streets - this plan won't service us now let alone in 10 years time.


As you may know, it is extremely difficult to find car spaces on the mainland for the islanders, their friends and family, and the services that need to transport to our island.

Currently there are about:

  • 2,000 car spaces in total
  • 430 are for island use only
  • Hundreds of insecure car spaces
  • A PROMISE of 2,000 carspaces for islanders plus 400 additional shared spaces

There are 7,000 people who call the bay islands home - expected 20,000+ in only a couple of decades!

Redland City Council Proposed changes

The council loves to say they're building car spaces but they don't explain that they're removing carspaces to build their new shopping and recreational area. They don't explain that re-zoning means that private carparks will vanish into appartment buildings flooding more cars onto the streets.

The future carspaces will be approximately:

  • 1,200 SHARED car spaces instead of 2,400 island car spaces
  • 0 car spaces are for island use only
  • Expect to pay commercial rates for parking!
  • Planned high density apartments mean parking will get WORSE!

We will have to fight the new cafes and shops. We will have to fight the new expanded parklands. We will have to fight the rezoned new apartment buildings.

Our islands house some of the poorest and most vulnerable members of our community and they will the most affected by these changes. They can't afford to pay premium!

Parking MUST be accessible!

Why does this matter?

There are many recreational areas but only ONE marina.

Island residents pay their taxes and rates but our council seems to only be concerned in supporting the mainland residents.

Our most vulnerable community members must be supported

Island residents pay their taxes but our council seems to only be concerned in supporting the mainland residents.

  • Public transport doesn't go everywhere
  • Our workers work outside public transport hours
  • How are service people meant to travel to our islands to help us?
  • Families have to sleep in the cars ALREADY because there are too few car spaces
  • Council wants to force our poorest members to pay
  • Family, friends and tourism will be even more impacted

What can you do?

We must act quick to stop the current plans so that council will hear us

Redland City Council is currently rolling ahead with their plans and, while we have plans and suggestions for them, the current plans MUST BE STOPPED.

Here's what you can do

1. Sign the petition and share it with friends and family

We need to get the word out FAST! We need the council to know that we don't want our parking spots to be taken. Share this injustice.

2. Get council to stop their current plan

Email. Forums. In person gatherings. Any method that you can think of to get council to listen and stop this plan would be appreciated as we only have a limited time to get them to listen to our pleas.

3. Want to help our group?

We're a group of passionate islanders who can use all the help we can get. Have an idea? Share it with us. Want to help spread the word? Join us!